Since 2020 ACME INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING Start with wide range of services.

It was our MD Capt. K.B.N. Kodituwakku (master mariner Class 1 ) the one who inspired us this idea of establishing such venture and all other directors were unanimously joined from the beginning.

We all are presently sailing masters & Chief Engineers in Leading shipping companies of the world with very well updated knowledge of the problems / challenges faced by present day sea farers.

Same challenges were the reason behind this establishment with a view of overcoming most of the issue by handling them by experienced marine professionals by interacting with manager/ ship owners directly.

Sri Lanka being an Island located in such a strategic location in the Indian Ocean, with the rising development of becoming a maritime Hub, leading shipping companies require quality & reliable services from Sri Lanka in very near future. ACME international shipping should be your key partner to face future challenges with expert & professional team in the upcoming Major maritime Center.

ACME is in the process of expanding our services into wide range of activities which will be your single stop for multiple services in near future. .

Certified company
Our experience